2004 Minutes

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February 26, 2004 

Nutrient Criteria Committee

Meeting Minutes


Committee Members Present

Christina Richmond, WV Department of Agriculture

Matt Monroe, WV Department of Agriculture

Meredith Pavlick, WV Rivers Coalition

Dave Clark, Canaan Valley Institute, (Meeting Facilitator)

Wayne Appleton, WVMA/WVCOC

John Rowe, WV Division of Forestry

Neil Gillies, Cacapon Institute

Michael Hawranick, WV Bureau for Public Health

Randy Sovic, WV DEP, Division of Water and Waste Management

Kimberly Miller, USGS

Joseph Hankins, TCF Freshwater Institute

Evan Hansen, WV Rivers Coalition – Participated by phone

1. Review and approval of December 9, 2003 meeting minutes.

With the above changes, the minutes were approved.

*Agenda items 7 and 8 were discussed before the Committee Reports so Evan could participate via phone.

2. Committee Reports

Phosphorous $10/sample

Chlorophyll A $15/sample


Turbidity (may be field)


Iron $50/sample

Sulfides $15/sample


Total Nitrogen $50/sample



3. Update on ORSANCO efforts on nutrient criteria – WVDEP

4. Update on Chesapeake Bay nutrient criteria development –WV Department of Agriculture

5. Update from US Environmental Protection Agency

6. Review and discussion of the Maryland proposal research procedures

7. Discussion of cataloging nutrient problems in the state

Meredith distributed: Inventory of impairments to designated uses of the waters of West Virginia that may be caused by nutrients

8. Review and discussion of lake criterion for phosphorous (24 micrograms/liter total P) tentatively adopted at the December 2003 meeting

9. Review and discussion of committee’s efforts to date – including informal evaluation of the committee’s process

10. Establish agenda for next meeting – March 18, 2004

Materials passed out during the meeting:

~ Meeting Adjourned ~

Top of Page

March 18, 2004

Nutrient Criteria Committee

Meeting Minutes


Committee Members Present

Matt Monroe, WV Department of Agriculture

John Rowe, WV Division of Forestry

Martin Christ, WV Rivers Coalition

Luke Richmond, WVMWQA

Randy Sovic, WV DEP, Division of Water and Waste Management

Evan Hansen, WV Rivers Coalition

Meredith Pavlick, WV Rivers Coalition

Tom Brand, West Virginia University, (Committee Chairman)

Neil Gillies, Cacapon Institute

Roger Sherman, WV Forestry Association

Michael Hawranick, WV Bureau for Public Health

Patrick Bowen, US Department of Agriculture-NRCS

Dave Clark, Canaan Valley Institute, (Meeting Facilitator)

Margaret Janes, Appalachian Center for the Economy and the Environment

Tiffany Crawford, USEPA – Participated by phone

Others in Attendance

Libby Chatfield, WV Environmental Quality Board (Board staff)

Penny Hott, WV Department of Agriculture (Note-taker)

1. Review and approval of February 26, 2004 meeting minutes.

With the above changes, the minutes were approved.

2. Committee Reports

3. Update on ORSANCO efforts on nutrient criteria – WVDEP

4. Update on Chesapeake Bay nutrient criteria development –WV Department of Agriculture

5. Update from US Environmental Protection Agency

6. Discussion of possible meeting with WV Division of Natural Resources biologists

7. Discussion of analysis of residence times in West Virginia lakes


8. Develop framework for proposal for funding (2004) for nutrient data collection




# Lakes








At every 2 meters

DO, Temp, pH, Conductivity

2/profile – upper and lower

iron, sulfide, TN, TP


Chlorophyll A


1 time/month for 5 months (July – November)

9. Establish agenda for next meeting – April 15, 2004

Materials passed out during the meeting:

~ Meeting Adjourned ~

Top of Page

April 15, 2004

Nutrient Criteria Committee

Meeting Minutes


Committee Members Present

Christina Richmond, WV Department of Agriculture

John Rowe, WV Division of Forestry

Joe Hankins, TCF/Freshwater Institute

Martin Christ, WV Rivers Coalition

Randy Sovic, WV DEP, Division of Water and Waste Management

John Wirts, WV DEP, Division of Water and Waste Management

Neil Gillies, Cacapon Institute

Margaret Janes, Appalachian Center for the Economy and the Environment

Evan Hansen, WV Rivers Coalition

Larry Emerson, Arch Coal/WV Coal Association

Ryan Gaujot, Canaan Valley Institute, (Meeting Facilitator)

Tom Brand, West Virginia University, (Committee Chairman)

Patrick Bowen, US Department of Agriculture-NRCS

Roger Sherman, WV Forestry Association

Others in Attendance

Libby Chatfield, WV Environmental Quality Board (Board staff)

Penny Hott, WV Department of Agriculture (Note-taker)

1. Review and approval of March 18, 2004 meeting minutes.


Minutes were distributed and will be approved at the May meeting.

2. Committee Reports

3. Update on ORSANCO efforts on nutrient criteria – WVDEP

4. Update on Chesapeake Bay nutrient criteria development –WV Department of Agriculture


5. Update from US Environmental Protection Agency

6. Update on periphyton project

7. Discussion and decision on amendments to the Nutrient Criteria Plan discussed at March meeting.

8. Update on meeting with WV Division of Natural Resources biologists


9. Continued discussion of analysis of residence times in West Virginia lakes


10. Continued discussion regarding development of framework for proposal for funding (2004) for nutrient data collection.

  1. Add new lakes to existing data set

  2. Collect additional data on outliers

  3. General expert advice

  1. Geographic Location

  2. Residence Time

  3. Eutrophic, Mesotrophic

  4. Several Designated Uses

  5. Geology

  6. Age of impoundment

11. Establish agenda for next meeting

Materials passed out during the meeting:

~ Meeting Adjourned ~

Top of Page

May 20, 2004

Nutrient Criteria Committee

Meeting Minutes


Committee Members Present

Doug Hudson, WV Department of Agriculture

Joe Hankins, TCF/Freshwater Institute

Martin Christ, WV Rivers Coalition

Neil Gillies, Cacapon Institute

Matt Monroe, WV Department of Agriculture

Dave Clark, Canaan Valley Institute, (Meeting Facilitator)

Evan Hansen, WV Rivers Coalition

Randy Sovic, WV DEP, Division of Water and Waste Management

John Rowe, WV Division of Forestry

Michael Hawranick, WV Bureau for Public Health

Roger Sherman, WV Forestry Association

Others in Attendance

Libby Chatfield, WV Environmental Quality Board (Board staff)

Penny Hott, WV Department of Agriculture (Note-taker)

Edward C. Armbrecht, Jr, WV Environmental Quality Board (Board member)

Ifey Davis, USEPA (participated by phone)

Pat Campbell, WVDEP (participated by phone)

1. Review and approval of March 18, 2004 and April 15, 2004 meeting minutes.


March 18, 2004 Minutes

April 15, 2004 Minutes

2. Committee Reports

3. Update on ORSANCO efforts on nutrient criteria – WVDEP

4. Update on Chesapeake Bay nutrient criteria development –WV Department of Agriculture


5. Update from US Environmental Protection Agency

6. Update on periphyton project

7. Update on discussions with WV Division of Natural Resources

8. Continued discussion of analysis of residence times in West Virginia lakes


9. Continued discussion of "Possible Models and Thresholds for Choosing P Standards for West Virginia’s Reservoirs and Lakes"


10. Continued discussion regarding development of framework for proposal for funding (2004) for nutrient data collection.

Personnel $25,000 (DEP - $20,000)

Equipment $2,000 (WVDA - $5,000)

Analyses $20,000

Travel $8,700

Boat(s) $500


11. Establish agenda for next meeting

Materials passed out during the meeting:

~ Meeting Adjourned ~

Top of Page


June 17, 2004

Nutrient Criteria Committee

Meeting Minutes


Committee Members Present

Doug Hudson, WV Department of Agriculture

Evan Hansen, WV Rivers Coalition

Matt Monroe, WV Department of Agriculture

Martin Christ, WV Rivers Coalition

John Rowe, WV Division of Forestry

John Wirts, WV DEP, Division of Water and Waste Management

Neil Gillies, Cacapon Institute

Randy Sovic, WV DEP, Division of Water and Waste Management

Margaret Janes, Appalachian Center for the Economy and the Environment

Dave Clark, Canaan Valley Institute, (Meeting Facilitator)

Tom Brand, West Virginia University, (Committee Chairman)

Michael Hawranick, WV Bureau for Public Health

Wayne Appleton, WVMA/WVCOC

Others in Attendance

Libby Chatfield, WV Environmental Quality Board (Board staff)

Penny Hott, WV Department of Agriculture (Note-taker)

1. Review and approval of May 20, 2004 meeting minutes.


2. Committee Reports



3. Update on ORSANCO efforts on nutrient criteria – WVDEP



4. Update on Chesapeake Bay nutrient criteria development –WVDA



5. Update from US Environmental Protection Agency



6. Update on periphyton project - WVDEP



7. Continued discussion regarding development of framework for proposal for funding (2004) for nutrient data collection.


8. Next steps for developing criteria for rivers and streams.



9. Establish agenda for next meeting


Materials passed out during the meeting:


~ Meeting Adjourned ~

Top of Page



July 15, 2004

Nutrient Criteria Committee

Meeting Minutes


Committee Members Present

Matt Monroe, WV Department of Agriculture

Joseph Hankins, TCF Freshwater Institute

Martin Christ, WV Rivers Coalition

John Rowe, WV Division of Forestry

Randy Sovic, WV DEP, Division of Water and Waste Management

Evan Hansen, WV Rivers Coalition

Margaret Janes, Appalachian Center for the Economy and the Environment

Dave Clark, Canaan Valley Institute, (Meeting Facilitator)

Michael Hawranick, WV Bureau for Public Health

Tom Brand, West Virginia University, (Committee Chairman)

Others in Attendance

Bret Preston, WV Division of Natural Resources

Penny Hott, WV Department of Agriculture (Note-taker)

1. Review and approval of June 17, 2004 meeting minutes.


2. Committee Reports



3. Update on ORSANCO efforts on nutrient criteria – WVDEP


4. Update on Chesapeake Bay nutrient criteria development –WVDA



5. Update on periphyton project - WVDEP


6. Discussion with Kent Crawford, USGS


7. Update on lake sampling work

8. Discussion of water treatment protocols, Mike Hawranick



9. "Lessons Learned" from developing the lake protocol


10. Information update from WVDNR, Martin Christ and Bret Preston



11. Summary of NCC efforts to date, Margaret Janes and Martin Christ



12. Preliminary discussions on proposals for next round of EPA’s RFA for Nutrient Criteria Development.



13. Continued discussion of next steps for developing criteria for rivers and streams.


  1. Presentation by National Drinking Water Clearinghouse.


    1. Establish agenda for next meeting



    Materials passed out during the meeting:



    ~ Meeting Adjourned ~

    Top of Page




August 19, 2004

Nutrient Criteria Committee

    Meeting Minutes


    Committee Members Present

    Matt Monroe, WV Department of Agriculture

    Evan Hansen, WV Rivers Coalition

    Martin Christ, WV Rivers Coalition

    Margaret Janes, Appalachian Center for the Economy and the Environment

    Michael Hawranick, WV Bureau for Public Health

    Randy Sovic, WV DEP, Division of Water and Waste Management

    John Wirts, WV DEP, Division of Water and Waste Management

    Neil Gillies, Cacapon Institute

    Larry Emerson, WV Coal Association

    Dave Clark, Canaan Valley Institute, (Meeting Facilitator)

    Tom Brand, West Virginia University, (Committee Chairman)

    Patrick Bowen, US Department of Agriculture-NRCS

    John Rowe, WV Division of Forestry

    Others in Attendance

    Libby Chatfield, WV Environmental Quality Board (Board staff)

    Penny Hott, WV Department of Agriculture (Note-taker)

    Dan Cincotta, WV DNR (Presenter)

    1. Review and approval of July 15, 2004 meeting minutes.



    2. Committee Reports



    3. Update on lake sampling work


    On a scale of 1-5, please describe your opinion of the quality of the lake today. "One" means that the lake water is as nice as can be today, and "five" means the lake water is very poor today. Please rate the lake water quality for each category below.

    A) Swimming B) Fishing C) Boating D) Hiking, camping or enjoying the lake from the shore.


    How do we develop nutrient criteria for the recreation designated use?


    4. Update on ORSANCO efforts on nutrient criteria – WVDEP



    5. Update on Chesapeake Bay nutrient criteria development –WVDA


    1) estimated from model 2) existing averages from data 3) 303(d) list

    6. Update on periphyton project - WVDEP



    7. Update on discussion regarding VA and other Region III states’ nutrient criteria development



    8. Discussion with Kent Crawford, USGS


    9. Update from Bureau of Public Health, Mike Hawranick




    10. Continued discussion of next steps for developing criteria for rivers and streams



    1. Presentation by National Drinking Water Clearinghouse

    2. No Presentation


    3. Establish agenda for next meeting


      Materials passed out during the meeting:

    ~ Meeting Adjourned ~

    Top of Page



    September 16, 2004

      Nutrient Criteria Committee

      Meeting Minutes


      Committee Members Present

      Matt Monroe, WV Department of Agriculture

      Patrick Bowen, US Department of Agriculture-NRCS

      Larry Emerson, WV Coal Association

      Jeff Skousen, WVU College of Agriculture, Extension

      Evan Hansen, WV Rivers Coalition

      Neil Gillies, Cacapon Institute

      Martin Christ, WV Rivers Coalition

      Randy Sovic, WV DEP, Division of Water and Waste Management

      Joe Hankins, TCF/Freshwater Institute

      Michael Hawranick, WV Bureau for Public Health

      Luke Richmond, WVMWQA

      Jeremiah Johnson, WVMWQA

      John Rowe, WV Division of Forestry

      Others in Attendance

      Libby Chatfield, WV Environmental Quality Board (Board staff)

      Penny Hott, WV Department of Agriculture (Note-taker)

      1. Review and approval of August 19, 2004 meeting minutes.


      2. Committee Reports

      No committee reports.



      3. Update on ORSANCO efforts on nutrient criteria – WVDEP



      4. Update on Chesapeake Bay nutrient criteria development –WVDA




      5. Update on efforts to schedule a "states meeting" to discuss nutrient criteria development



      6. Update on periphyton project - WVDEP

      No update.


      7. Continued discussion of next steps for developing criteria for rivers and streams



      8. Report on lake sampling work




      9. Update from Bureau of Public Health, Mike Hawranick




      1. Establish agenda for next meeting

        • DNR – mussels

        • Lake update – report on MDL’s

        • Update on deployment of samplers

        • Coal sector data quality issues

        • Update on states meeting

        • Continuing stream work

        • Revisit time line for lake criteria


        Materials passed out during the meeting:

        • Meeting Agenda

        • Lessons from Lakes – Martin Christ

        • List of user surveys – Evan Hansen

        • Approaches for Developing Nutrient Criteria for the Recreation Designated Use – Evan Hansen.

        • WV NCC, Source Water Nutrient Questionnaire Summary, Summer 04 – Mike Hawranick


      ~ Meeting Adjourned ~

Top of Page



October 21, 2004

Nutrient Criteria Committee

Meeting Minutes


Committee Members Present


Margaret Janes, Appalachian Center for the Economy and the Environment

Randy Sovic, WV DEP, Division of Water and Waste Management

Larry Emerson, WV Coal Association

Jeremiah Johnson, WVMWQA

Dave Clark, Canaan Valley Institute, (Meeting Facilitator)

Tom Brand, West Virginia University, (Committee Chairman)

Neil Gillies, Cacapon Institute

Bob Williams, WV Farm Bureau

Roger Sherman, WV Forestry Association

Matt Monroe, WV Department of Agriculture

Joe Hankins, TCF/Freshwater Institute

Michael Hawranick, WV Bureau for Public Health

Martin Christ, WV Rivers Coalition

Roger Sherman, WV Forestry Association


Others in Attendance


Penny Hott, WV Department of Agriculture (Note-taker)

Edward Snyder, WV Environmental Quality Board (Board member)

Mike Arcuri, WV DEP

Meredith Pavlick


1.  Review and approval of September 16, 2004 meeting minutes.

·        Page 2 – Update on states meeting

-   First bullet, added with input after participate. Removed however Randy has received no other responses. Added and Pennsylvania after Delaware.

-   Second bullet, changed Pennsylvania and Delaware to others.

-   Third bullet, removed If the data confirms the beliefs of the group, the criteria should easily be developed by December.

-   Fourth bullet, added tentatively before scheduled.

·         Page 3 – Report on lake sampling work, second bullet, changed Sturm did not report TN, to Sturm did not report TN. Only TKN and Ammonia were analyzed but reported as TN.

·         Page 4 – Establish agenda for next meeting, last bullet, changed like to line.


2.  Committee Reports

No committee reports.


3.  Update on ORSANCO efforts on nutrient criteria – WVDEP


4.  Update on Chesapeake Bay nutrient criteria development –WVDA



5.  Update on efforts to schedule a “states meeting” to discuss nutrient criteria development


6.  Update on periphyton project - WVDEP

No update.


7.  Continued discussion regarding development of criteria for rivers and streams

·         We need to analyze data collected on other designated uses. We need to look at Michael Hawranick’s data for Public (A). Martin Christ and Neil Gillies will design a study to collect this data.

·         Dave Clark reminded the group that we stated in the original plan that we would identify data gaps by December 2004.

·         Neil Gillies suggested using what other states have done as a starting point for our rivers and streams.


8.  Report on lake sampling work


9.  Update from Bureau of Public Health on survey results, Mike Hawranick

·         Michael Hawranick distributed a summary of the source water nutrient questionnaire that he distributed and a data summary that the Wheeling plant received from ORSANCO.

·         We may need to push back health and human consumption criteria until we have another year of data.



10.   Discussion of possible data collection in lakes and streams by the West Virginia Coal Association (WVCA), Larry Emerson

·         Larry Emerson is bringing forward this suggestion because the coal sector routinely samples near mines and there are legitimate concerns raised about how samples are collected, preserved, and maintained. He asked the group if there are data gaps in coal producing areas.

·         Martin Christ feels that data collected by the WVCA would be looked at as seriously as any other data. We are most desperate in linking data to impairment.

·         One fifth of the state is sampled each year by DEP. All of the samples collected are analyzed by certified labs.

·         Larry Emerson will meet with John Wirts and Randy Sovic about the specifics of the sampling program if there is agreement that the group would be comfortable with the data collected.

·         Randy Sovic agreed that there are definitely data gaps. He is pleased that the WVCA has offered to participate and hopes that manufacturers would get involved as well. He offered possible training by DEP to be sure the samples are collected appropriately.

·         Randy Sovic said that DEP has a Chesapeake Bay commitment to collect samples near mines that use ammonia treatment. DEP collects this data at the discharge point. Randy supports this sampling initiative and would like to see other agencies and companies get involved.

·         Dave Clark asked the group if we need to identify data gaps for funding.

·         Representatives from the WVCA are already working in the field, upstream and downstream sampling of these sites would be very beneficial. Randy Sovic will try to encourage participation by the manufacturing association.

·         Jeremiah Johnson will be attending a Municipal Water Association meeting next week and will mention this sampling.

·         Randy Sovic recommended collecting the samples as part of the NPDES permit. This would generate a great deal of data that could be used to establish criteria.

·         Martin Christ asked if a formal request should be sent out to all members of the NCC to determine what data is already available.

·         Larry Emerson must get the commitment from the WVCA for a sampling program. He needs to know what is needed, what will be tested and how the data will be presented to the group. There is a WVCA meeting the first week of November, Larry will discuss this sampling with the members at that meeting.

·         A subcommittee was developed to put together a list of data collecting needs for Larry to present to the WVCA. This subcommittee consists of: John Wirts, Jeremiah Johnson, Larry Emerson, and Martin Christ. Larry will take the lead on the committee. Tom Brand recommended Wayne Appleton for this subcommittee, Larry will contact Wayne.

·         Randy Sovic will determine if nutrient data is being collected at DEP’s TMDL sites.

·         Joe Hankins asked Roger Sherman if the Forestry Association would be willing to monitor for nutrients. The Forestry Association is currently not doing very much monitoring and Roger doesn’t think it would be a possibility.

·         Larry Emerson explained to the group that the Surface Mining Act requires the application of fertilizer on mining areas.


11.  Establish agenda for next meeting


·         Raw data report on lakes – can frame out timeline for developing criteria

·         Evan – report on user surveys

·         Report from Larry’s subcommittee

·         Category A study plan



Materials passed out during the meeting:




~ Meeting Adjourned ~

Top of Page



November 18, 2004

Nutrient Criteria Committee

Meeting Minutes


Committee Members Present


Neil Gillies, Cacapon Institute

Wayne Appleton, WVMA/WVCOC

Evan Hansen, WV Rivers Coalition

Margaret Janes, Appalachian Center for the Economy and the Environment

Michael Hawranick, WV Bureau for Public Health

John Wirts, WV DEP, Division of Water and Waste Management

Martin Christ, WV Rivers Coalition

Larry Emerson, WV Coal Association

Dave Clark, Canaan Valley Institute, (Meeting Facilitator)

Tom Brand, West Virginia University, (Committee Chairman)

Bob Williams, WV Farm Bureau

John Rowe, WV Division of Forestry

Jeremiah Johnson, WVMWQA


Others in Attendance


Penny Hott, WV Department of Agriculture (Note-taker)

Edward Snyder, WV Environmental Quality Board (Board member)

Meredith Pavlick, WV Rivers Coalition


1.  Review and approval of October 21, 2004 meeting minutes.

§         Page 2 – Update on states meeting, first bullet, added our lakes criteria development process after present.

§         Page 3 – Update by WVCA, changed goal to coal in the first bullet.


2.  Committee Reports

§         Ed Snyder will send the final approved plan to Neil Gillies for NCC’s website.

§         There will be a mussel presentation from DNR at the December meeting.

§         After DNR’s presentation, the committee may search for other experts to present to the group.

§         Dave Clark distributed an RFA for periphyton studies in the Ohio River basin. The deadline is in early January.


3.  Update on ORSANCO efforts on nutrient criteria – WVDEP


4.  Update on Chesapeake Bay nutrient criteria development –WVDA


5.  Reports on “states meeting” to discuss nutrient criteria development


6.  Update on periphyton project - WVDEP

§         EPA will begin looking at stream periphyton and may contract with Tetra Tech.

§         John Wirts provided a list of 30 possible sampling sites for DO in West Virginia to Joe Beeman.


7.  Continued discussion regarding development of criteria for rivers and streams


8.  Report on lake sampling work


9.  Update on possible data collection in rivers and streams by the West Virginia Coal Association (WVCA), Larry Emerson

§         An environmental meeting of the WVCA is scheduled for Monday, November 22, 2004. Larry Emerson will discuss data collection with the members.

§         Martin Christ, John Wirts, Jeremiah Johnson, Larry Emerson and Wayne Appleton had a conference call on October 29 to discuss data. There was a consensus to determine what data DEP has available, decide what geographic locations are missing and then identify possible sampling locations and gather support for data collection. 

§         John Wirts said provided a background of DEP’s sampling program. Sampling began in 1996. Nutrient analysis is included at some sites, 150 random samples are collected each year. TP, TKN and Nitrate are collected. There has been some data collected from every watershed. Monthly samples are collected if the stream is listed for nutrients. With DEP permits, nutrient data is requested if there is any reasonable expectation of nutrients in outfall.

§         Larry Emerson said that the Division of Mining Reclamation has data on trend stations. He asked for information on standard testing methods and protocols. John Wirts thinks sampling at trend stations would be a great place to start. John will provide copies of SOP’s to Larry.


10.   Review of Category A Study Plan – Martin Christ

§         Martin Christ distributed Data Gaps.  Martin went over the document and asked the group to comment. He offered the document as a system for holding on to what the data gaps are.

§         Most of the gaps are result based and not cause based. The most promising areas of study are things dealing with algae.


11.  Establish agenda for next meeting



Materials passed out during the meeting:


~ Meeting Adjourned ~

Top of Page


December 16, 2004

Nutrient Criteria Committee

Meeting Minutes - final


Committee Members Present

Matt Monroe, WV Department of Agriculture

John Rowe, WV Division of Forestry

Neil Gillies, Cacapon Institute

Wayne Appleton, WVMA/WVCOC

Joe Hankins, TCF/Freshwater Institute

Randy Sovic, WV DEP, Division of Water and Waste Management

John Wirts, WV DEP, Division of Water and Waste Management

Martin Christ, WV Rivers Coalition

Larry Emerson, WV Coal Association

Dave Clark, Canaan Valley Institute, (Meeting Facilitator)

Tom Brand, West Virginia University, (Committee Chairman)

Jeremiah Johnson, WVMWQA

Evan Hansen, WV Rivers Coalition

Michael Hawranick, WV Bureau for Public Health


Others in Attendance

Penny Hott, WV Department of Agriculture (Note-taker)

Edward Snyder, WV Environmental Quality Board (Board member), Shepherd University

Meredith Pavlick, WV Rivers Coalition

Doug Chambers, USGS

Scott Simonton, WV Environmental Quality Board (Board member), Marshall University


1.  Review and approval of November 18, 2004 meeting minutes.

§         Change on October 21 minutes – page 2, update on Chesapeake Bay, sixth bullet, changed Larry Emerson to Randy Sovic.

§         Page 2 – Update on Chesapeake Bay, changed Larry Emerson to Joe Hankins in the last bullet.

§         Page 2 – Report on “states meeting”

-         Fifth bullet, changed because to even though.

-         Sixth bullet, added Wayne, Evan and Margaret noted that the criteria development process is an iterative process, we should set criteria based on the best science. Wayne added that the criteria is harder to fix once it is in place.

§         Page 2 – development of criteria for rivers and streams:

-         First bullet, changed institute to State Park.

-         Second bullet, added data need before categories

§         Page 3 – Report on lake sampling work:

-         Second bullet, changed Horn to Fork.

-         Third bullet, changed Hanson to HansenHanson


2.  Committee Reports

No committee reports.


3.  Update on ORSANCO efforts on nutrient criteria – WVDEP

§         The first meeting of the steering committee was held. The steering committee was formed to spearhead and develop the sub basin commission. It was determined that each state would have a representative from the water quality agency program, agriculture and conservation. Each state will have one vote, the three agencies must come together to make one decision.

§         The workgroups were refined to: inventory workgroup (provide information on where the loadings are coming from), monitoring workgroup, implementation/approaches workgroup, and outreach workgroup.

§         A letter will be sent to each states’ secretary to get a affirmation of support for this effort.


4.  Update on Chesapeake Bay nutrient criteria development –WVDA


5. Update on periphyton project - WVDEP

No update.


6.  Presentation by Janet Clayton, WVDNR

§         Janet Clayton presented information on the ecology and life history of freshwater mussels.

§         The species composition of mussels is affected if their habitat is affected.

§         Sediment has been shown to disrupt feeding in mussels.

§         Nutrients are needed to support single sell algae for food, however too much can cause growth of filamentous algae which can cause oxygen deficits. If nutrients increase, we could see an increase in zebra mussels (invasive species).

§         Janet Clayton distributed a list of individuals dealing with toxicology and freshwater mussels.


7.  Update on Point Source Innovation Committee


8.  Report on lake sampling data

§         Martin Christ distributed West Virginia 2004 Lake Data and discussed the data for Category B.

§         The data collected supported the proposed 50μg/L standard for P.

§         In terms of the relationship between P and DO, Martin concluded that this year’s data is roughly consistent with previously existing data.

§         There is more data analysis to be performed on this data: account for temperature, look at lake by lake, analyze data for sulfide and ferrous iron, and analyze inlet data. Martin’s next step is to compare the lakes that exist in both data sets on the same axis.

§         Meredith discussed the data for category C. Initial analysis was performed on the user surveys. There were 27 visits where user surveys were collected. Sixteen of the lake visits were used for the analysis.

§         A possible recommendation for Chlorophyll A could fall between 3.3 mg/L and 4.2 mg/L. For Total Phosphorus, a possible recommendation for recreation criteria could fall between 24 µg/L and 65 µg/L.


9.  Revisit timeline for setting lake criteria


10.  Update on possible data collection in rivers and streams by the West Virginia Coal Association (WVCA), Larry Emerson

§         WVCA held an environmental committee meeting and Larry presented a proposal on this data collection. It was received well by some and not so well by others. Larry will keep pressing the issue.

§         Larry presented this information to the Chamber of Commerce. He feels it would be good to make this announcement in any appropriate forum.

§         Randy Sovic spoke with a representative from Dupont. The representative said he would look into doing all that he could to help NCC’s data collection process.

§         Neil suggested sending letters to operators. He will write a draft and circulate it to the committee for comments before the next meeting.


11.  Continued discussion regarding development of criteria for rivers and streams

-         * Rep from Region III states, PA,OH,KY (Randy will contact Ohio)

-         NAWQA, USGS (National Water Quality Assessment)

-         Amy Parker, EPA (Ann Parker?)

-         Steve Potts, EPA Region III

-         * Macroscopic Algae, Virginia Carter, USGS (Doug Chambers will contact)

-         WVU Professor, Lance Lynn

-         Stephan Porter, USGS

-         George Gibson, EPA, DC Office

-         Jan Stevenson, University Representative

-         Ken Crawford, USGS periphyton


§         Develop study to analyze data for human health

-         Martin Christ distributed Studying impairment of the Public Water Supply Designated Use. He feels that it’s important to begin gathering data on what the dose is. The dose response curve is the most important issue.

-         The possibility of collecting samples at water plants was discussed.

-         Geosmin and MIB are in a class of chemicals that has been linked to taste and odor problems. Joe Hankins recommended identifying a class of these chemicals, looking for them in other environments and trying to form a relationship. Literature review would be beneficial for this issue.

§         We need to look at available grants. EPA Region III has $80,000. EPA recommends collaborating with other states. Randy spoke with Jean Gregory from Virginia. After Virginia saw the work that West Virginia and Maryland are doing, they are rethinking their process. For a proposal, we are going to use what Martin has already written and add some discussion and numbers.  Martin will get his updated proposal to Randy by the first of the year. Randy will contact VA, MD and PA to inquire about a joint effort for the proposal.


12.  Establish agenda for next meeting


Materials passed out during the meeting:

§         Meeting Agenda

§         West Virginia 2004 Lake Data – Martin Christ

§         List of individuals dealing with toxicology and freshwater mussels – Janet Clayton

§         Studying impairment of the Public Water Supply Designated Use – Martin Christ




~ Meeting Adjourned ~

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